Restoring ownCloud

To restore an ownCloud installation there are three main things you need to restore:

  1. The config folder
  2. The data folder
  3. The database

When you have completed your restoration, see the Setting Strong Directory Permissions section of Installation Wizard.

Restore Folders


This guide assumes that your previous backup is called “owncloud-dirbkp”

Simply copy your config and data folder (or even your whole ownCloud install and data folder) to your ownCloud environment. You could use this command:

rsync -Aax owncloud-dirbkp/ owncloud/

Restore Database


This guide assumes that your previous backup is called “owncloud-sqlbkp.bak”


MySQL is the recommended database engine. To backup MySQL:

mysql -h [server] -u [username] -p[password] [db_name] < owncloud-sqlbkp.bak


rm data/owncloud.db
sqlite3 data/owncloud.db < owncloud-sqlbkp.bak


PGPASSWORD="password" pg_restore -c -d owncloud -h [server] -U [username] owncloud-sqlbkp.bak