Restoring ownCloud¶
To restore an ownCloud installation there are three main things you need to restore:
- The config folder
- The data folder
- The database
When you have completed your restoration, see the Setting Strong Directory Permissions section of Installation Wizard.
Restore Folders¶
This guide assumes that your previous backup is called “owncloud-dirbkp”
Simply copy your config and data folder (or even your whole ownCloud install and data folder) to your ownCloud environment. You could use this command:
rsync -Aax owncloud-dirbkp/ owncloud/
Restore Database¶
This guide assumes that your previous backup is called “owncloud-sqlbkp.bak”
MySQL is the recommended database engine. To backup MySQL:
mysql -h [server] -u [username] -p[password] [db_name] < owncloud-sqlbkp.bak
rm data/owncloud.db
sqlite3 data/owncloud.db < owncloud-sqlbkp.bak
PGPASSWORD="password" pg_restore -c -d owncloud -h [server] -U [username] owncloud-sqlbkp.bak